Friday, September 19, 2008

How does this program work?

Virginia Beach Public Library Staff are invited to learn about Web 2.0 and improve technology skills associated with prevalent and emerging web tools through self-paced online "lessons" in the form of weekly blog posts. This nine week program will offer each participant information, resources and hands-on activities focusing on eight unique web based tools, concepts or technologies associated with Web 2.0.

How do I register for this program?

You will register for the program by completing the following steps:
1. Get Permission: All interested VBPL Staff need to first gain the approval of their supervisor.
2. Fill out registration form: Staff will fill out the online registration form at to register for this program. You will receive an email verification that indicates your registration has been received.
3. Do Week 1 lesson: Staff will complete the hands on activities for week 1.
4. Email Cindy: You will email the following information to Cindy Hart at name, agency, blog title, blog URL. You will receive email verification that your information has been received.
NOTE: Your registration is not complete until you have received an email verification from Cindy Hart.

How do I complete the program?

Completing the program is easy. You need to read all Learning 2.0 Remixed blog posts, do and think about the information in the "Learn More About" activities in the weekly posts, complete the "Hands On Activities", including reading the "Important Tips" in the weekly posts and record your work for each weekly post.

How do I record my work?

You will do all the hands-on activities each week and create a blog post about what you did. The blog post is your record of completing each weekly activity. To successfully complete the program, you should have a total of nine unique blog posts with correct labels. Each post should be labeled with the week and the weekly topic. Here is an example: Week 1 - Blogs.

Why are there nine blog posts for Learning 2.0 Remix?

Each weekly lesson asks you to create a blog post. The last lesson asks you to create two blog posts. One is to record your thoughts on the lesson; the second post is to record your thoughts on the Learning 2.0 Remixed learning program.

Will there be a spread sheet to track my progress?

There will be no public spreadsheet to track your progress. You must email your name, agency, blog title and blog URL to Cindy Hart at She will use RSS to verify participants' progression and completion.

How do I know if I completed the program or not?

When you have successfully completed the program by fulfilling all the registration and activity requirements, a comment will be added to your blog and a message sent to your email address in Outlook.